We are thrilled to have the opportunity to take Sierra to Roy - thank you Dan & Laura Bow River Retrievers! This is such an exciting combination of temperament, athleticism, style, courage and structure. And it's a very interesting outcross pedigree combination -:)
After meeting Roy and watching him work with Dan, he is a true gentelemen's hunting companion, a very strong competitive field trial dog and a dog of a lifetime for Dan & Laura. Roy is an easy going guy with a great off switch, biddable yet he sure turns on the burners in the field. What a wonderful match for Sierra as she herself is a strong retriever in the field, exceptional hunting companion, very biddable with an easy going temperament and also a dog of a lifetime for Lorne & Patty. Both Roy and Sierra have OFA Hip Clearances (Roy Excellent & Sierra Good), OFA Normal Elbows, Current clear CERF Eye exams (within 12 months and), OFA Heart clearances by a Board Certified Cardiologist, thyroid function in normal range. DNA Optigen tests on Sierra, she is PRA/prcd & PRA-1 clear and ICT carrier. Roy is Clear for PRA/prcd & PRA-1 & ICT carrier. Both Roy & Sierra have had no skin allergies, seizures or other auto-immune disorders.
For information on Sierra visit "Meet Sierra" page on this website.
I have had the opportunity to watch Sierra mature into a team player in the field that has taken her owner on an incredible journey with his first dog in the hunt test game and also his very first hunting companion. She handles very well on blind retrieves, is a very good marking dog, hits the cover & water hard with a fast bird pick up. They have 4 CKC Master passes and earned their HRCH in straight tests this past summer. Sierra did not have the formal basics or transition training with an e collar - she just tries very hard to do what her handler is asking. Very steady and easy to handle in the holding blinds and on the line.
Wanted to thank my friend Lisa Williams for suggesting we fly out to meet Roy. He is a substantial boy with a very pleasing head and soft expression. He is in exceptional shape, very well muscled, stands 24 1/2, correct bite (missing 2 teeth and dropped incisors), dark pigment, medium dark eye and correct coat. He has a strong front with good depth of chest and ribspring, nice level topline and good tailset and carriage. Roy's personality is where he shines, he is the total Golden package - happy, friendly, reliable, outgoinge and very playful - get's along great with other dogs.
Roy's a very accomplished field trial dog at a young age. He recently became the only Golden Retriever to be a National Finalist and the Canadian National Amateur Field Trial. He is qualified all age in Canada & US and was on the US Derby list. Dan & Roy are on an incredible journey together and it will be an honor to follow this team as they accomplish their goals and dreams.