Barb & Dwight with Likah & Chase |
| Barbara & Dwight Loree, Black Creek, BC - Rio Ranch Goldens Dwight has been hunting upland and waterfowl hunting for over 50 years. He bought his first Golden Retriever in the mid 80's and was impressed by that golden nose, her courage, desire to please and loving attitude as a family companion. He partnered in a pheasant farm operation and has raised Golden litters in the past for family hunting companions. I met my husband and hunting partner in 1992 and when we went on our first hunting trip together in 1996 - I got hooked and the search was on for a new Golden Retriever pup and a new shotgun. During our golden journey we have met many amazing friends and chased many feathers together. Outside of hunting season our Goldens like to play in other venues including those that allow them to retrieve birds! We have participating in CKC & AKC Hunt Tests at all levels, Field trials in the Qual and Derby level, Agility, Rally, Tracking, Obedience and Show. The venues are a hobby to us and when we do breed our Golden Retrievers we concentrate on their hunting abiltiy, health and temperament first and foremost. We can't imagine our lives without them.
Our Co-Owner Friends & Breeders |
In partnership and friendship, to live the dream of always being able to hunt over a good looking healthy Golden Retriever.
Cathie & Chase |
| Cathie Hay - Victoria, BC - Rio Ranch Goldens (formerly Truline Kennels) Cathie raised , professionally trained and bred hunting Labrador Retrievers for over 35 years under the kennel name Truline. She is a vet tech at Sidney Animal Hospital and brings a wealth of knowledge to our breeding & training program. Cathie met Barb in 2002 with a Golden Retriever puppy named Chase that we could not keep out of the water. The rest was history, she fell in love with Chaser's good looks, tenacity and love for the hunting/ field game and the search was on for her new Golden Retriever pup. Cathie now resides with three Golden Retrievers (Polly, Jenny & Brooke) on five acres in Metchosin. Although she is not trianing professionally anymore, she still enjoys training the girls for hunting and the CKC Hunt Tests and has titled Goldens and Labs to all levels. When time permits they also enjoy hunting for grouse and pheasant.
| Kathy Miner, Calgary, AB - 1DrDogs Golden Retrievers www.1drdogs.com Kathy has been involved with Golden Retrievers since 1983. Over the years she has become an accomplished trainer and titled her Goldens to advanced levels in multiple venues including CKC Hunt Tests, Agility, Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Drafting and the Show Ring. Her philosophy is simple, look for sound structure, athleticism, good temperament, kind expression, good health and able to do what the Golden Retriever standard says they are bred to do...be good hunting companions.
| Danette Weich DVM, Ridgecrest, CA - Woodecoy Golden Retrievers http://woodecoygoldenretrievers.wordpress.com/ Danette has owned and bred & shown performance Golden Retrievers since 1990. Her dogs are all owner trained and handled. They have succesfully competed in AKC conformation, Field Trials, Hunt Tests, Obedience, Agility and have been certified Therapy Dogs. When not competing they enjoy hunting with husband Brad in the high southern California dessert for Chukar and other upland game.
Terry with Lira & Chase |
| Terry Thornton, Dallas, TX - Amigold Retreivers www.amigold.com keeping the drive alive... Terry has raised, bred and trained Golden Retrievers under the Amigold prefix since 1984 with the primiary purpose to produce sound, athletic Goldens that love to hunt and can perform equally well in the field as well as conformation. Temperament, health, longevity and retrieve desire remain the key elements in the Amigold breeding program. Terry has obtained multiple titles on her Goldens in Field Trials (Derby, Qual and All-Age points), AKC Hunt Tests, GRCA Working Certificate, Obedience, Agility and Tracking. When not training or trialing Terry and her husband Jim are avid hunters for both upland and waterfowl.