Both Tex & Kikki have an OFA Hip Clearances (Tex OFA Exc & Kikki OFA Fair), OFA Normal Elbows, Current CERF Eye Exams (within 12 months), OFA Heart clearances by a Board Certified Cardiologist, normal thyroid function, they are not on any medications and have had no severe skin allergies, seizures or other auto-immune disorders. Both Tex & Kikki are PRA-prcd Clear, PRA-1 Clear and ICT Carriers. With both parents being ICT carriers it means approximately 25% of the offspring can be affected. It is our personal experience with ICT (which can have variable expression) that these lines show little or no symptoms. Jenny (Kikk's dam) and our older golden Polly are both ICT affected with zero expression and have had no dandruff or other skin issues lifetime. We feel their are so many other genetic issues affecting Goldens that we need to be foccussed on the diseases that affect the quality of life of the puppy first and foremost. It is our humble opinion that ICT will have very little affect on the quality of life for any of the puppies from this pairing. Our goal is always to produce healthy puppies!
For more pictures, please browse through the slide show below.
We are very excited to have the opportunity to breed Kikki to Tex:
Our goal for this breeding is to produce intelligent, strong hunting companions that are athletic, biddable, can be easily trained in any venue and have exceptional easy going personalities that make wonderful family members. The pedigree is a unique blend of top field competitors in their time, obedience and conformation dogs. Some of the influential dogs in the pedigree include Kikki's grandfather "Pardner" AFC FC Tangelo's Side Kick with 130 1/2 All Age FT points, the highest point Golden in US Field Trials in history plus his son "Riley" Emberain Better Believe It MH WCX *** who earned 13 All Age Points in only 15 trials lifetime and won the Open at the GRCA 1995 National. Tex's sire is the last Golden in the US to obtain All Age field trial points and Am Championship in 30 years "Sabre" (visit Sabre's website page), And Kikki's grandsire "Rooster" earned 50 Master passes lifetime, UD and All Age Qualified. (visit Rooster's website page)
For information on Kikki please visit "Kikki's page" Kikki's littermates are doing well in hunt tests, agility and hunting. Diego has earned MH passes before his 3rd birthday and Bree is running Agiity Excellent. All five littermates that submitted hip & elbow clearances passed! Please find a complete list of siblings on k9data
Here are some comments from Tex's owner and training partner, Tim Marshall:
"Tex is an outstanding representative of the Golden Retriever breed. He is a dynamic working dog who brings intensity, focus and style to all activities he tackles. He is also a well-constructed dog who exemplifies power and athleticism and has the potential to finish his Can bench championship. He is an excellent example of a sound, stable, enthusiastic golden retriever that has a beautiful, correct coat and solid conformation.
Conformation: Tex is very nicely built with the structure to support the powerful athlete that he is. He is a dog of moderate size and substance, standing 23” tall and weighing 67 pounds, possessing good substance but is still very fast, agile, and light on his feet. He possesses good structure and strong, fluid movement. (moves well coming and going). He is short-coupled with good length of neck, a nice neck-to-shoulder transition, correct length of back/loin and a solid topline. He is well balanced and nicely angulated. He has a masculine head with an eager, intelligent expression, good ears, a lovely, dark eye and brown-black pigment. (fading in winter) He has a correct scissors bite with one missing pre molar. Tex is light to medium gold in colour with ample but completely correct, wash and wear coat. When you watch him retrieve, you see a beautiful yet powerful working dog.
Working Ability & Temperament: Tex is tremendously fun to train because he loves, and lives, to work, bringing enthusiasm and drive to everything that he does. In general, he is a very up and energetic dog with great desire, style and trainability. He is intelligent and learns concepts quickly and generalizes them well. He is very confident and holds up well under pressure. This confidence and attitude makes training and competing with him a joy. In the field, Tex is a hard-driving dog with excellent marking skills and memory. Tex is running senior concepts with ease and is quickly mastering advanced handling and marking concepts. Tex easily earned his WC, WCI, WCX and SH titles. Tex has excellent natural desire for hunting and has been on many personal hunting trips with his owner. He is a fantastic upland and waterfowl dog with an amazing nose. He rarely misses a bird!
One of Tex’s most valuable strengths is his outstanding temperament; he is confident and upbeat with a very sweet demeanor. He is polite with other dogs, fitting in well in a multi-dog household. His “on/off switch” makes him always eager to work, while at the same time a very sweet boy who is easy to live with. He is wonderful with people as well and takes new situations, people and places in stride."
- video of a young Tex in early transition work on blinds showing speed and enthusiasm on his marks
Contact Barb Loree if you are interested in a puppy from this litter.